Source code for tensorcv.utils.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:
# Author: Qian Ge <>

import os
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['get_rng']

_RNG_SEED = None

[docs]def get_rng(obj=None): """ This function is copied from `tensorpack <>`__. Get a good RNG seeded with time, pid and the object. Args: obj: some object to use to generate random seed. Returns: np.random.RandomState: the RNG. """ seed = (id(obj) + os.getpid() + int("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f"))) % 4294967295 if _RNG_SEED is not None: seed = _RNG_SEED return np.random.RandomState(seed)
def check_dir(input_dir): assert input_dir is not None, "dir cannot be None!" assert os.path.isdir(input_dir), input_dir + ' does not exist!' def assert_type(v, tp): """ Assert type of input v be type tp """ assert isinstance(v, tp),\ "Expect " + str(tp) + ", but " + str(v.__class__) + " is given!"